C2L Shop
Welcome to the C2L shop! Check out our products, all designed to support YOU in YOUR important work with children and families!
We address the PROBLEM of limited curriculum and support products available for Early Childhood Family Education programs. Teachers are scarce, difficult to retain, and those who are teaching are overwhelmed while taking large amounts of time to create lessons. Districts are unable to offer programming, because of the lack of qualified educators and the ability to equip and support new educators.
We developed a curriculum that will be ADAPTABLE to work with communities of varied sizes, families with diverse backgrounds, and differing lengths of lessons and sessions. Personalize and adapt our 20 weeks of resources, by picking what works for you- use in any order for your needs.
We are passionate about EMPOWERING communities through supporting parent growth. We believe strong parents are built as a result of connection, knowledge, and support. Connecting to Learn LLC, is built with the purpose of empowering those who work with parents, to guide parents towards meaningful connection and transformational change.