New to the C2L resources are three flexible, valuable training sessions! Three video sessions are now available for purchase on our site for new and/or experienced staff. The available sessions are complete with a CEU certificate, places to pause and reflect, and tons of practical wisdom. Enjoy an in-depth look below at the specific parent education and child education focused topics.
Feel free to email us with your specific requests for future trainings! We love creating resources to support your work investing in families.
The available trainings are:
Parent Ed: Connection and Communication (48 minutes)
This training will increase your confidence as you support diverse parents on a personal and group level.
Join us to learn more about:
Welcoming & supporting parents
Setting clear expectations for your group
Physical set up and pre-program communication
Practical tips for clear communication in parent group time
Working with varied parenting personalities such as:
Monopolizers, pessimistic parents, quiet parents, those who struggle to “fit in”
Working with varied parenting programs such as:
Parent of kiddos with special needs, multicultural groups, teen parents
Games for connection
Parent ed: Goals, Guidelines, and Content (34 minutes)
This training will increase your confidence in welcoming parents with targeted content and lessons, adapted for your group.
Join us to learn more about:
Setting goals for your parent ed group
Discovering how to establish group guidelines for effective time together
How to plan scope and sequence that reflects the needs of your group
How to adapt lessons to meet the needs of your group
Introduction to the MN Parent Education Core Curriculum Framework
Creating and using open-ended questions for robust discussion
Child Ed: Circle Time 101 (32 minutes)
This training will increase your confidence and idea bank as you prepare and lead circle time with children ages 0-5 years.
Join us to learn more about:
Setting goals for your time with children and families
Importance of ECIPS & circle time use
Highlighting: social-emotional development, imaginative play, language and literacy
Practical tips on organization, routines, and expectations
Specific ideas on interactive circle time activities
Meaningful use of everyday objects in your circle time
Keeping children and parents engaged at circle time
Modeling and teaching self-regulation skills
Trainings are available at the introductory price of $20 each.
An amazing value for the content (years of wisdom and practice!!!) presented.
Find them at this LINK
Click “Join” and follow the steps to purchase, you’ll need to create an account the first time you purchase. Once you purchase the training, you will be able to access the link and video at anytime, through the link sent to you after your purchase is complete.
Questions? Let us know and we will be happy to seek answers with you!