Final Draft/Product
Delivered to Printer

Today was an exciting day in the life of C2L - we delivered our final edits to the printer for printing, shipping, and fulfillment. We will send an alert once the product has left the printer and is headed to your hands (if you are one of the 30 districts that have pre-ordered).

We can say this process has been similar to marathon training. As we navigated format, content, and functionality, we journeyed through six major editing revisions, receiving feedback from trusted sources along the way.
We have learned:
How to start a business
About product binding
Website creation
Processing tax exemptions
How to self publish
Along the way, we worked with:
Beta testers
Copy editors
Leaders in the field of ECFE
Graphic designers
Printing experts
Along this process, we have been blessed with new friends!
As we put our heart and soul into the often late night, early morning, summer, and weekend hours, we kept in mind our purpose of making this guide most useful for you, your program, and the families you serve.
Keep your questions coming. We appreciate them.
Excited to serve and support families alongside you!
Jen & Beka